I made a thing
You can play it
Mimi wrote:
I do seem to have lost some progress. I definitely completed the game on ‘Harder Still’ yesterday, and opened up the next difficulty, but it’s reverted to Harder Still being the next difficulty again. It’s not a problem, and may have been because of the rogue 9th book which popped up after I had completed the game, but thought you’d want to know.

If it popped the unlock on the screen when you'd completed the game (the little one, not the big one that shows when you go back to the title screen) then it should have worked no matter what came after that.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
How many people do you have testing this at the moment?

Are you looking for significantly more, or is there enough feedback to keep you busy with fixes and tweaks?

I've got plenty of stuff to do just trawling through the logs, but anyone that wants to dump extra stuff here is more than welcome.
Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I do seem to have lost some progress. I definitely completed the game on ‘Harder Still’ yesterday, and opened up the next difficulty, but it’s reverted to Harder Still being the next difficulty again. It’s not a problem, and may have been because of the rogue 9th book which popped up after I had completed the game, but thought you’d want to know.

If it popped the unlock on the screen when you'd completed the game (the little one, not the big one that shows when you go back to the title screen) then it should have worked no matter what came after that.

It did, and I could start a game in the new mode (because I read the new difficulty description out to Russell) but it’s definitely rolled back from that for me.
If you start a game where you can select the tileset and difficulty but then choose Return To Title from the settings you can't actually get back to the front screen because it refreshes you back to the difficulty select screen.

This was so I could go back and see what version I was on.
I’m still getting the same thing Russell mentioned where a story that overruns the height of the screen prevents scrolling to a continue button. Russell mentioned putting it in Fesktop mode, but that doesn’t seem to work on iPhone (I can request the desktop version but the issue remains).

I can play the first story but can’t get any further.
The new layouts look nice but I think that this is occurring on the first chapter of a book:
Doesn't seem to show the target section, and stretches the other areas
I'm also seeing similar things to Meems. iPhone SE, and I can't scroll down to continue after the story (though closing the browser tab, and reopening gets me past it).

More interestingly, I managed with split-second timing to both submit a word and clear it from the board (tapping the wood), so scoring 0 but using up an attempt.
Yeah, I fixed it wrong the first time. I fixed it better just now.

The details height thing is happening on my phone too, I'll fix that tonight.
Grim... wrote:
I'll fix that tonight.

I figured it out. No more mystery targets!
Grim... wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
How many people do you have testing this at the moment?

Are you looking for significantly more, or is there enough feedback to keep you busy with fixes and tweaks?

I've got plenty of stuff to do just trawling through the logs, but anyone that wants to dump extra stuff here is more than welcome.

Log 446 I think.

I couldn’t select either if these option
Oh I meant to say, I had a tile with a slightly rounded corner and when I tapped it I got the speech bubble saying I'm Different, but then I couldn't see anything different about it.

What was happening there?
Not a bug at all (it’s all working again now) but if you’re still looking for ideas for hacks and things to unlock them, it might be nice to add one for if you play a word that reaches from one side of the board to the other, like this:
There are a couple of little things that aren’t affecting gameplay. I played a game (on Absurd, not sure about the other difficulties) and it still showed me I was on ?/9 stories. It did only make me play eight, however.

And a little thing with the hack display when the name spans more than a line.

Also, I’m pretty sure the hack unlock that you get for holding six hacks at once isn’t actually unlocking, as I’ve held a sixth hack plenty of times and that’s still unavailable to me.
Mimi, have you considered a career in QA?
Is that like bug testing? I’ve not, though I used to tech-read/edit and test knitting patterns, which I think has a lot of crossover.
Thanks folks, I'll look into all of these.

@mr Russell, did you not notice anything with an A tile before seeing this one?

Like... really noticable?
Grim... wrote:
Thanks folks, I'll look into all of these.

@mr Russell, did you not notice anything with an A tile before seeing this one?

Like... really noticable?

I did not. I got it again, and this time the speech bubble said hello but nothing else. When I played it it seemed like a normal tile
I shall PM you to avoid spoilz.
Someone scored a 300,000,000 point word. I'm looking into it, but early impressions suggest it might be legit :o
Grim... wrote:
Someone scored a 300,000,000 point word. I'm looking into it, but early impressions suggest it might be legit :o

That's Mimi's brother. I want to know EXACTLY how he did it.
You'll have to ask him ;)
We already did :DD This was over a few texts, but:

Because I had the +1 for the double/triple and then X2 for the double/triple.

I had the +500 for a 6 letter word (and the start) and also letters M-S or maybe more as 30+ points.

So the MONO were all like 40-50 points a letter.

Plus I had the randomised bonus tile.

So I think I got a few triplex2 letters and words too.

Clear as mud.
I’ve sent you a DM, but he’s just scored a 55 billion point word, so something seems to be a bit squiffy and/or he’s a genius.
Ok, the tile came back and this time he said "I'm scared" but again nothing else.

I didn't get any kind of messages after playing the word alive in a chapter, either at the end of the chapter, story or the whole book.
I dunno, but I get the idea that Grim…’s dream woman is a red-headed nun.
I don’t think the ‘make a random tile blank’ cheat is working with the One Tile Army tile set. I used it and there was no animation to show which time converted, and checking my tile bag afterwards shows only the blank tile I started with, no others.
Mimi wrote:
I dunno, but I get the idea that Grim…’s dream woman is a red-headed nun.

I think she ran off with an Austrian captain with seven children.
Kern wrote:
Mimi wrote:
I dunno, but I get the idea that Grim…’s dream woman is a red-headed nun.

I think she ran off with an Austrian captain with seven children.

Can’t actually start games at the moment, because the ‘specify seed’ section is appearing in the same space as the start button. The text for the ‘The Limit’ difficulty is larger than for other difficulties, too.

When using the smallest Gym Bro packs that only give a single letter boost option, you can’t actually click that letter. If you refresh it you can get out of the select tile window, but otherwise you are stuck there.
I moved the seed box out of the way. I'll take a look at the other stuff later today.

Do you have a really long tileset name in your options somewhere? Because the gap between the tileset and the difficulty is huge :S
Mimi wrote:
I dunno, but I get the idea that Grim…’s dream woman is a red-headed nun.

No, but the ‘Let’s Go Dutch’ tile set and description, like the ‘The Limit’ difficulty, has a larger text size than the other difficulties/tile sets (photo with comparison photo)
Mimi wrote:
I don’t think the ‘make a random tile blank’ cheat is working with the One Tile Army tile set. I used it and there was no animation to show which time converted, and checking my tile bag afterwards shows only the blank tile I started with, no others.

I think I can see why that might be


Oh yeah. So obvious.
I assume the commented out line should not be commented out
You assume correctly. It does all the work, then doesn't save it.
Grim... wrote:
You assume correctly. It does all the work, then doesn't save it.

Sounds like me.

BTW Grim, I’m not sure if the ‘Make The Choir Sing’ unlock is working, if it unlocks when I’ve assumed?

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
When you have the hack that awards getting a word in alphabetical order? If so, I’ve held that hack and played words with the letters in alphabetical order, heard the ‘ahhhhhhhh’ choir sound, but it hasn’t opened the next hack.
I've apparently unlocked 16 out of 15 helpers. There are only 15 helper pictures listed
Mimi wrote:
Grim... wrote:
You assume correctly. It does all the work, then doesn't save it.

Sounds like me.

BTW Grim, I’m not sure if the ‘Make The Choir Sing’ unlock is working, if it unlocks when I’ve assumed?

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
When you have the hack that awards getting a word in alphabetical order? If so, I’ve held that hack and played words with the letters in alphabetical order, heard the ‘ahhhhhhhh’ choir sound, but it hasn’t opened the next hack.

You'll know when you hear the choir. Like most other things, it's triggered by making certain words, at least two of which are contained in your post :)
Mr Russell wrote:
I've apparently unlocked 16 out of 15 helpers. There are only 15 helper pictures listed

Chearly you've unlocked the super-secret-mega-helper.

Or I can't count.

This should tidy itself up the next time you start a new game.
Grim... wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Grim... wrote:
You assume correctly. It does all the work, then doesn't save it.

Sounds like me.

BTW Grim, I’m not sure if the ‘Make The Choir Sing’ unlock is working, if it unlocks when I’ve assumed?

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
When you have the hack that awards getting a word in alphabetical order? If so, I’ve held that hack and played words with the letters in alphabetical order, heard the ‘ahhhhhhhh’ choir sound, but it hasn’t opened the next hack.

You'll know when you hear the choir. Like most other things, it's triggered by making certain words, at least two of which are contained in your post :)

Ah, gotcha.
This is more a QOL improvement but I like to use the hacks that randomise the board squares and also make triples into quads, but doubles into halves.

When they are combined I seem to get an awful lot of the half squares being under the starting tile.

I am assuming this is the case as I can only SEE one green halving symbol and then my green multiplier is split in half after playing the first word.

I think it would be good to not have multipliers under the starting tile
Ah, I get you. It's.completely random, but I'll look into making it not happen.

That said, it's just as likely to be sitting on a X4 tile.

Alternatively, just get the hack that gets rid of the starting tile.
I'm so tempted to start a wiki so I can work out what everything does and what there is to unlock!!!
I like fextralife, but all the kids use fandom nowadays.
Grim... wrote:
I like fextralife, but all the kids use fandom nowadays.

I'd be more tempted if I could access it at work. There's nothing off about the certificate is there? My work has "security" but the message I get is that the IP address cannot be resolved which is different to it being blocked by filters.
Hmm, I don't think so. It should just be legit.,
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